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works MAK NITE Tuesday, 10.10.2006 / 8pm Uncanny Carinthia an Aktion evening by Ernst Logar On the occasion of the carinthian anniversary of the referendum of October 10th, 1920, Ernst Logar has realized an evening which raises the issue of the phenomenon of the split identity within austrian/slowenian Carinthia as well as Carinthia's historic events and todays political relation to the subject. Panel discussion to the topic "Being Carinthian!" Trautl Brandstaller political scientist, publicist Lojze Wieser publisher, editor, publicist, spokesperson for the initiative "Pro Kärtnten" Stefan Karner historian, since 2005 presenter of "Kärnten-Konsenses" (Karner-Paket) Presentation: Peter Huemer journalist and editor Concept and video installation: Ernst Logar With the contribution of the Choir of the Slowenian Students in Vienna Richard Amon (choirmaster)